Friday, April 30, 2010

Tour of Plymouth, MA

April 30th - Barb and I decided to head down to Plymouth, MA and eat; do some sight-seeing; eat; eat; eat; do some sight-seeing; then enjoy the drive back to Peabody, MA as the sun was out and it was a nice, warm day. To start the day (once in Plymouth), we stopped at Wood's Seafood and began the day. My goodness was it good!!!!

Here's a variety of pictures of the harbor. As you can see from the sky, it was definitely a nicer day without the rain.

Did I mention that Barb and I ate a little?
Barb actually ate so much that she began to look like a lobster.

The later part of the day, we went and saw the Mayflower, then Plymouth Rock.

After all the touring, we decided to go back to Wood's Seafood and have some broiled scallops. They too were delicious! - - - Tomorrow, Barb and I are going to stay at the Marriott LongWharf in Boston and we're thinking we might get something to eat at all the good restaurants.

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