Friday, April 30, 2010

A Night in Salem with the Witches

April 29th - After Kristin, Barb, Craig and I all went to dinner at "Champion's Pub," we all took a "Haunted Tour" of Salem, MA and learned a lot about the history and stories surrounding the Witches. It was VERY fun!!!! - - - As one might imagine, there were a lot of stories surrounding the many cemetaries in the area, and the pictures below show our tour guide and a few stops we made during the night.
Below is a picture of one of the "haunted mansions" with Barb, Kristin, and Craig standing in front of it.
This next picture is perhaps one of the strangest pictures I've EVER taken. It's of the old church in Salem. To add to the excitement, you can see that they've add red lights inside the building. But that's not the strange part. The tour guide stated prior to the tour starting, that often times, people feel the ground move or see buildings move. Just after telling us about an area where we were standing on top of a number of graves, where headstones had been moved, I took the picture of the church. Most of you know that I take quite a few pictures and I've never had one where the entire image was blurred like this one. The question is...was it real?...or did I just about fall off the curb as I was taking the picture? Only you can decide! Scary, huh?!!!!!
This last picture (of the 4 of us and the guide) show another freaky scenario. Kristin didn't even know the guide was grabbing at her chest UNTIL the picture was viewed and posted. Now we know why she was smiling SO big!
One final note. I talked to our guide for a moment after the tour and, since he was a "medium," I asked if he'd ever heard of the "On A Ledge" stories about the hauntings in Manitou Springs, CO. He had heard of them and even told me some of the stories he'd heard. They were quite amazing, and they were quite different than some my Sister (Karen), Ralph, Barb and I all heard when we went there several years ago. Interesting how stories are told by various people.

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