Sunday, May 2, 2010

Boston Harbor - Downtown - Duck Tour

May 1st - I've got some great pictures to upload for any Corvette followers, but it's getting late, so I'll upload those as soon as I stop someplace with an internet connection on my drive to Nova Scotia. - - - Until then, I want to share some of the great pictures we took while Barb and I were in Boston. The first 3 pictures show Barb waiting for the taxi to take us to Salem to catch the "T" to Boston; and the train as it was pulling into the station.

After we arrived in Boston, we checked into the Marriott (Long Wharf)(dark building in the pictures below), which had been suggested by our Nephew (Matt) quite some time ago (because it was such a nice place). He was was beautiful. As the pictures below show, it was also in a wonderful location (right in the harbor area). We were also lucky in the sense that we received a room upgrade upon checkin, and the room was we didn't have to worry about luggage or later checkin.

Some readers may be wondering how we got the pictures from the water. That was because as soon as we left the Marriott, we saw a sign indicating availability of a harbor cruise. When we checked at the ticket office, we were told a cruise was leaving in less than 5 our time in Boston got off to an excellent start. The pictures below show some of the wonderful pictures we took while on the cruise.

Bunker Hill monument.

Just a beautiful skyline and we were blessed with AWESOME weather!

The ship shown below (the Cassin Young) is reportedly the oldest ship still serving in the US Navy. It was sort of battered, but was still in great shape.

One of the Coast Guard ships on duty.
Below is the Zakim Bunker Hill suspended bridge.

I'd say that most trips to Boston include a visit to the North End. There are so many wonderful Italian places to eat and Barb and I visited one. After the pasta; peppers and sausage; and lasagna; we had no choice but to start walking to feel better. Below are a few of the pictures we took. - - - Mike's Pastry is one of the touristy things to we visited Mike's and got some of the goodies (twice).

I even got the chance to meet one of the chefs...but he wasn't too interested in talking to me. I also got the same response from one of the Minutemen. Not sure what it was that I said but I thought the Minuteman would certainly talk to me because of my patriotic shirt. (Oh well...)

After our walk in the North End, I was getting pretty thirsty so we went to the area surrounding Faneuil Hall and visited a couple of the pubs.
If you didn't know, apparently they have beer at most everyone of the establishments in this area. How lucky was that (being so thirsty and all).

More of the Faneuil Hall area. Lots and lots of people and people trying to make a few bucks by performing for the crowd. A fun area!
Before anyone looks at the 2nd picture, I don't want you to think I'd had too much to drink at the pubs. (I swear!) However, I did get a chance to drive the "Duck" during our tour and thankfully we didn't get stopped by the Duck police. To tell a short part of the story, our driver was a "Joker" and was dressed in full costume. That meant there were LOTS of card jokes and anyone wishing to drive the Duck had to wear the Joker's hat.

While I forget the real name of this bridge, the Joker referred to it as the "Salt and Pepper" bridge. The picture hopefully explains why.
Well, as the day drew towards a close, Barb suggested we get a small bite to eat. While we walked around and checked out a few places, we ended up at "Tia's," which was a restaurant right next to our hotel. How could we pass it up, they had a 2-lobster dinner we EACH got one. Neither one of us knew where we'd put the food, but, we loosened our belts and dug in. None of the lobsters survived!

Hope you enjoyed the pictures as much as Barb and I enjoyed our time in Boston.

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