Friday, April 30, 2010

Windy Weather on the Atlantic

April 29th - Today, Barb (who made it out from Colorado last night) and I, went to the Coast; had some seafood; then toured the Coast. Before I go into the pictures, I'll briefly explain the "rest of the story" from the last blog. As I'd stated, my trip from Virginia was loaded with bad (bumpy) roads so the car was getting beat pretty bad. To add to that part of the trip, it rained most all the way. Anyway, on the night of the 28th, my electric fan (that cools the engine) stopped working...maybe due to the bumpy roads...maybe due to plunging into pothole after pothole filled with water...maybe a combination of those things...but the fan stopped working. Thank's to Rik's guidance from the Corvette Center, my friend Craig and I did some troubleshooting; verified the motor still worked; found a bad fuse; replaced the fuse; and the car was back up and running. - - - However, the fan problem that was not the worst of what happened. After driving to the coast, I started hearing a squeak from the right-front side of the vehicle. It got worse VERY quickly so I stopped to check it out. As it turned out, almost every bolt holding the top and bottom A-Arms were loose...and a couple were VERY loose. Thankfully I had enough tools and was able to tighten them all. While it helped reduce the noise, the noise still exists (a little). I'm hoping to get a couple more suggestions from the Corvette Center to help further eliminate the concern and noise. - - - Anyway, here's some of the pictures we took. While the wind was like a gale storm, the area certainly was beautiful. - - - These first few pictures are from Rockport, MA.
Rockport Harbor.
These next 3 pictures show a couple of the light-houses in the area.

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