Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Travel From Peabody to Saint John, New Brunwick

May 3rd and 4th - As I closed out the Boston portion of my trip, I was able to meet up with my old General Dynamics boss (Bill). While having breakfast together, we discussed some of the fun associated with having muscle cars...he has a Mustang. Anyway, as with many of my more recent pictures, they're a little hazy because I was "enjoying" more rain. However, while it's presented its challenges for me, I'm thankful the car has not floated away like many of those shown (on TV) in Tennessee.

This next picture might give a little feel (again) of how much fun it is to be driving this car on the trip. EVERYWHERE I go, people are interested in knowing more about the car and it seems to remind many people of days gone by...when they too had a muscle car of some sort. This picture was taken outside the "Captain Nick's" restaurant in Bangor, Maine. Years ago, when I used to work as the QA person on a program that had sites around the country, I used to go to Bangor, and I frequented Captain Nick's restaurant. I wanted to go back to see if the food and service was as good as I remembered....it was. In fact, when I walked in the door, a couple of the servers immediately asked me about the car...so conversation (like with old friends) started. Since all the staff was excited to see the car, I drove up to the back entrance and "gave the tour." Several of the group were more than happy to pose for my blog when I told them about it. Talk about fun with good people!

May 4th marked a milestone in my trip as I reached the estimated halfway point (as far as mileage). I was just about 30 miles South of the Canadian border and a US town called Calais when this scenic view area (the only one I observed in the US today) popped up out of the trees. It was like fate. Anyway, here's the car after about 4030 miles.

Here's another shot of the river.

Today also marked a point in the journey that I enjoyed. After surviving gale-force winds and blinding rain just South of Bangor yesterday, the weather cleared up for a wonderful drive today. Haven't had too many road shots since I left Kentucky and first entered Virginia (due to the rain), but I hope you enjoy some of the scenery I saw today.

Since many of my family and friends know I'm a perfectionist with MANY things, I thought you might enjoy ONE example where I messed up. Nice odd angle shot of the inside of the car...don't you think?! LOL
I also enjoyed some of the changes attitude as I changed in latitude. While I didn't get a picture of it, I laughed my butt off when I drove by one house that had a sign of an "All Terain Vehicle" for sale. Now I know what typically would come to MY mind, but this "ATV" was a regular ATV; with a winch on the front; and I'd guess a 50 hp outboard motor attached to the rear. It may have been funnier to see it, but I thought you might enjoy the image. These next couple pictures reminded me of our friends at the Corvette Center in Colorado...but with a Maine twist. Instead of a Corvette on a pole....well....you can see for yourself.

Here's a few more photos of scenery AFTER I got into Canada.

This next picture was my first view of the Bay of Fundy. BEAUTIFUL!!!! I also had to laugh with this shot. I turned the car around; parked it; then walked about 200 feet to get the shot; then, just around the next curve, I got an even better view.

To close out the day, I entered the town of Saint John, New Brunswick and decided to spend the night so I could take the ferry to Nova Scotia (which only departs here at 9 AM. While I could have driven the rest of the way to Nova Scotia, it would have added about another 4 or 5 hours of driving, and I'd not be able to take the Southern drive that I want. In addition, I just felt the need to add the ferry ride to my list of experiences. - - - Does anyone know if they make life-jackets big enough for a Corvette?!!!!
I'll be in beautiful Canada for almost two weeks before I drop back into the USA in the upper peninsula of Michigan.

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